~Cardboard Racer~


The Journal part1
Pamela's Reflection
The Journal part 4
Team pictures
The Journal part 2+3



Above and Beyond Extras
  • stuffed reindeers
  • twine for reins
  • candy canes
  • presents at the back
  • turbo busters at the back
  • license plate
  • Works Cited
    1. Docherty, Paul ed. The Visual Dictionary of Cars. Toronto: Stroddart Publishing Co. Limited, 1992.
    2. Jefferies, David. Monster Machines Race Cars New York: Raintree Stech-Vaughn Publishers, 2001.
    3. McCabe, J. "Registration and Cardboard Racer Construction" Ninth Annual John McCabe Ability Celebration Photo Gallery March 12-13, 2005. 5Nov. 05.<http://www.cawvsports.org/McCabeCelebration.html>.
    4. CollegeHumor.  "Building a cardboard car to go through Taco Bell's drivethru"  College Humor.  5Nov. 05. <http://www.collegehumor.com/pictures/82102/>.
    5. Nick. "Beach T-11 Formula Ford and Formula B racing cars"  VIR History -Virginia International Raceway 1957-74.  5.Nov 05.  <http://www.virhistory.com/beach/formula-t11.htm>.
    6. Nebraska Skate Historical Society.  "Nebraska Toy Stories"  <Official Nebraska Government Website>.  7.Nov 05 <http://www.nebraskahistory.org/sites/mnh/toystory/timeless.htm>.
    7. Richards, C.A.  "Sleigh"  Steve's Sawdust.  7.Nov. 05.  <http://wudtech.com/sleigh/sleigh.htm>.
    8. Logan, Gloria-Leigh.  "0017-0412-1716-4834".  Acclaim Images Stock Photography.  5.Nov. 05.  <http://www.acclaimimages.com/_gallery/_SM/0017-0412-1716-4834_SM.jpg>.


    Why car worked:
    We had a fan shape for the base which was strong enough to support the driver (Pamela).
    We glued 10 layers of cardboard for each the four tires and we used the same type of cardboard to be consistant


    Why car didn't work:
    Car turned more to the left.  The tube in the front axel was not large enough so Fatima added some more cardboard tubing around the front axel so that the body would not have enough room slide so much.  It worked a little bit.  The car turned gradually to the left instead of sharply.



    P = mv

       = (63.5kg)(1.12m/s)

       = 71.12 = 71.1kg.m/s


    Coefficient of friction:

    u = tan°

        = opp/adj =1.79m/9.91m = 0.1786988685 = 0.179


    Average velocity:

    Vave  =  d2- d1/t2- t1

           =    10.0m/8.93s = 1.1198 = 1.12m/s




    Santa's Workshop, North Pole, HOH OHO, Canada